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Take control of YOUR email.

Email on the Internet is too hard to do on your own! Fighting SPAM and ensuring your email is delivered into people's inboxes is a full time job that cannot be done by normal people. The major email providers want you to think that at least.

They want you to think that running your own mail server is super hard so you use their services. These exact services invade your privacy, reduce your freedom, and prevent you from having total control over the most important aspect of your life online.

SolidMail provides you with the platform to selfhost your own email without the headaches of setting it up on your own and support when you need help.

Sign up here for our mailing list so we can let you know when we start our beta testing. We promise to never sell your email address and you can opt out at any time.1

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Not convinced? Read on!

What is SolidMail?

SolidMail is mail server applinace that provides you with a totally managed email experiance that can be hosted anywhere. Yes, anywhere. You can run it on any major cloud provider, or a budget VPS. It can even run on baremetal in your basement2.

Our software is a fully managed solution from the Operating System, to the internal services that power your email, and our control plane software that allows you to easily manage your accounts. Updates are atomic in nature so upgrading and downgrading versions are fast and easy. We provide you with a modern control plane to manage your email accounts and provides valuable insights on the health and deliverablity of your email.


  •   Postfix

    Postfix is an incredibly powerful and reliable Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) that excels in performance and security. As an industry standard, Postfix handles high volumes of email traffic with ease, ensuring efficient mail delivery.

    Secure SMTP service for email delivery

  •   Dovecot

    Dovecot is a renowned IMAP and POP3 server celebrated for its reliability and ease of use. It smoothly handles large volumes of email, providing fast and efficient mail retrieval.

    Secure IMAP access to retrive your emails

  •   Rspamd

    Rspamd is an advanced spam filtering system known for its efficiency and adaptability. It effectively identifies and filters out unwanted emails, ensuring a clean and secure inbox.

    Keep your inbox clean of unwanted emails

  •   ClamAV

    ClamAV provides comprehensive protection against viruses, malware, and other malicious threats to keep your Inbox safe.

    Protect your inbox from viruses and mailware.

  •   DNS Management

    SolidMail can act as your nameservers for your domains or provide you with the exact DNS entries you need to add to third party DNS services.

    Fully managed DNS Nameserver

  •   SPF Management

    SPF (Sender Policy Framework) is a vital email validation system that helps prevent email spoofing by verifying that incoming mail from a domain comes from an authorized IP address.

    Automated SPF entries

  •   DKIM Management

    DKIM is an email authentication method that helps ensure the integrity and authenticity of email messages.

    Automated DKIM entries

  •   Managed System Updates

    SolidMail is built upon a minimal OS with atomic upgrades. Our software can be quickly upgraded with the latest security updates and product features.

    Secure and constant software updates

  •   Selfhost Anywhere

    SolidMail can be run on every major cloud provider and baremetal.

    Run your email from any server

  •   Delivery Metrics

    See the status of your email delivery inbound and outbound. SolidMail helps you spot problems with your email deliverablity and our support can help you fix them.

    Ensure your email is getting delivered

  •   Spam Block List Monitoring

    Built in Spam Block List monitoring ensures you are notified when your server's IP Address ends up on an RBL.

    Keep your IP address off of SPAM block lists

  •   Managed TLS certificates

    Automated TLS certficates from Let's Encrypt on all services.

    TLS Certs keep your email secure and private

Why should I run my own mailserver?

We get this question a lot. Why would I want to spend the time and money to run my own mail server? It's a pretty simple question to answer but a hard one to set into practice. We think there are four major points on why you should run your own mail server.

  • Privacy Keep your conversations to yourself without it being used by third parties.
  • Security Ensure your email isn't used for bad things.
  • Ownership You own your email data. Not some other company.
  • Flexiblity Move your email to any provider of your choice.

Email has been a "solved" problem for a while now. You can get a free email account from any major provider and start sending and receiving email with little hassle. These providers have made it their goal to make email so easy for you that you don't care that your email is being used to make them money. They can even cut off your access for no reason what so ever and you will lose everything that you have sent or received on that account.

You can also lose access to other accounts on the internet. Like your bank or social media accounts. Without access to your email your online experiance gets painful pretty quickly.

We want to enable you to run your own email server quickly and safely. We believe that SolidMail can do that for you.

  1. We even selfhost our own mailing list software so your email won't ever fall into the hands of a third party. 

  2. We don't recomend that you run it off of computer in your basement but you do you. :)